Monday, March 28, 2011

Prestigious Unit Award to be Received this Year

We have been informed last Friday that NC-961 has been selected to recieve the Distiguished Unit with Merit Award. This award is the highest recognition a unit may receive and is normally only given during inspection years. This award places NC-961 in the top precentage of around 900 AFJROTC units world wide.

The unit has received a Distiguished Unit award for the past 9 years, and the unit has not received the award with merit since the last unit inspection in 2008.

Honor Guard Victory at Sanderson

This past saturday, NC-961 attended the Capital City Drill Meet at Sanderson high School. After a long stressful day, the unit brought home First Place Overall for the second time. We also received 11 other contributing awards.

Other Event Awards: 3rd Place Element Armed Exhibition 2nd Place Element Unarmed Exhibition 2nd Place Element Unarmed Male Regulation 2nd Place Element Unarmed Female Regulation 1st Place Element Armed Regulation 1st Place Individual Innovative Armed 1st Place Innovative Duo 3rd Place Overall Athletics 1st Place Iron Cadet Female: Jasmine Sutton 2nd Place Iron Cadet Female: Lauren Hobbs 2nd Place Iron Cadet Male : Steven Harris

Photos from the event:

Other Pictures can be viewed here:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Semester, 2011

This semester the cadet leadership is again being led by Warren Pettee, who has offered these words on the outlook for the spring semester:

"This school year has seen vast amounts of progress in corps leadership.
Primarily focus has been set on corps communication and creating effective strategies for success. Because of the cumulative efforts of the corps, our unit
is again expecting to achieve its unit goals this year, making the corps eligible for the award of Distiguished Unit with Merit. Service to the community will remain a priority, and we will always be open to service opportunities. While progress in our leadership has been great, it is clear that attention will need to be set on fundraising to support cadet activities for the future."

- C/Col Warren Pettee

This Saturday, March 26, the unit honor guard will once again be competing at the Capital Drill Meet at Sanderson High School, just outside Raleigh. Last semester the honor guard brought back first place overall at the West-Montgomery Drill Meet under Ian Dunbar's leadership, and the honor guard is ready to do well again at this competition under cadet Emily Connor. Parents and friends are welcome to come out and support the honor guard.

Flight of the Month: D-Flight

Cadet of the Month: Kristin Mason